Friday, June 22, 2007

Encaustic Show

I was joined by 2 other local artists for our encaustic show entitled "Melted" at the Arts of Snohomish Gallery in Snohomish WA. The images here are from my landscape series including and especially my aerial landscapes which I am quite drawn to. I find that landscapes reflect how we fit into the world.

1 comment:

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

Hi Karon! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm so glad that I somehow inspired you to create one yourself. :)

I am trying to work out with my husband so that I can come and paint at Trish's. It sounds like fun!

I feel the same way about landscapes as you do. I think especially living in the pacific northwest where it is so beautiful and moody at the same time, it has to seep into our work somehow.

Hope to meet you soon. Take care...